Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda

Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda

Halo sobat semuanya, terima kasih masih bersama saya di tresno English yang pada kesempatan kali ini akan membagikan sebuah postingan sebuah cerita menggunakan bahasa Inggris  yang berjudul Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda. 

Cerita bahasa Inggris ini dapat menambah cerita bahasa Inggris kamu terutama tentang cerita pengalaman pribadi
Oke, langsung kita check it out !!!!!!

Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda

Yesterday on my way home from banjarnegara city I saw my young brother who was riding his new motorcycle with his friend behind him. I did not know who was his friend because I could not see his face.

I saw my young brother clearer. He wore red t-shirt and so did his friend. I thought he saw me. Suddenly my phone rang. I could not answer it because I had not arrived to my office yet. Moreover, I could not answer phone call while riding motorcycle on the way especially it was on the highway.

Arriving in the office, I directly took my phone to see who just called me. Actually the call was from my young brother. It meant that he saw me too.

I called him. He was being in Banjarnegara city. I told him too that I was from there too. I said to him that I saw him. But he told me that he did not see me like I did. “where do you see me ?” he asked. “in front of SMP 5, you wore red t-shirt, with whom were you ?” I answered. Then he told me “I am with Nas, I just returned my dress I bought yesterday.” Then he invited me to go to Depo Pelita in Kalibenda. At first I was doubt whether I could go there or not. Fortunately my job had finished soon, so I could finally accept his invitation.

I asked him to wait for me a half hour. I asked him to wait for my attendance at gas station. I hurriedly left for there happily.

We went there together. We walked around, took picture, chatted and so on. We did not buy something. But at least we knew what were available there. Although we did not buy anything the important thiing was that we could be happy.......

Oke sobat itulah tadi cerita bahasa Inggris tentang Going to Depo Pelita Kalibenda. Semoga bermanfaat. Tetaplah di tresno English ya .... terima kasih dan sampai jumpa ......


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