Subject | Object | Adjective Posessive | Object Posessive | Reflexsive |
I | me | my ... | mine | myself |
We | us | our ... | ours | ourselves |
You | you | your ... | yours | yourselves/yourself |
He | him | his ... | his | himself |
She | her | her ... | hers | herself |
It | it | it's ... | its | itself |
They | them | their ... | theirs | themselves |
Contoh penggunaan personal pronoun (kata ganti orang) :

Beberapa contoh kalimat personal pronoun yang disebutkan di dalam pembahasan berikut ini dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis kalimat sesuai dengan penggunaanya, yaitu :
- Subject,
- Object,
- Adjective Posessive,
- Object Posessive, dan
- Reflexsive.
Semua contoh kalimat yang disebutkan disini telah di urutkan sesuai dengan penggunaanya. Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan Anda perhatikan tabel pembahasan di atas untuk setiap contoh kalimat yang ada.
1. Firs Singular Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-1, Tunggal)
- I have a book. (Subject)
- The book belongs to me. (Object)
- It is my book. (Adjective Posessive)
- The book is mine. (Object Posessive)
- I bought it myself. (Reflexsive)
2. First Plural Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-1, Jamak)
- We have a house. (Subject)
- The house belongs to us. (Object)
- That is our house. (Adjective Posessive)
- The house is ours. (Objective Posessive)
- We built it ourselves. (Reflexsive)
3. Second Singular Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-2, Tunggal)
- You have a motorcycle. (Subject)
- The motorcycle belongs to you. (Object)
- It is your motorcycle. (Adjective Posessive)
- The motorcycle is yours. (Objective Posessive)
- Did you buy it yourself too? (Reflexsive)
4. Second Plurarl Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-2, Jamak)
- You are Indonesian. (Subject)
- Indonesia belongs to (all of) you. (Object)
- Indonesia is your country. (Adjective Posessive)
- Indonesia is yours. (Objective Posessive)
- You have to built it by yourselves. (Reflexsive)
5. Third Singular Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-3, Tunggal)
- He has a car. (Subject)
- The car belongs to him. (Object)
- It is his car. (Adjective Posessive)
- The car is his. (Object Posessive)
- He bought it himself. (Reflexsive)
- She has a hand-bag. (Subject)
- The hand-bag belongs to her. (Object)
- It is her hand-bag. (Adjective Posessive)
- The hand-bag is hers. (Objective Posessive)
- She bought it herself. (Reflexsive)
- It has beautiful eyes. (Subject)
- The eyes belong to it. (Object)
- They are its eyes. (Adjective Posessive)
- The beautiful eyes are its. (Object Posessive)
- It can wash itself. (Reflexsive)
6. Third Plural Person (Kata Ganti Orang ke-3, Jamak)
- They have a shop. (Subject)
- The shop belongs to them. (Object)
- That shop is theirs. (Object Posessive)
- They run the shop by themselves. (Reflexsive)
Yep, that's it!
Itulah beberapa penjelasan sederhana mengenai penggunaan personal pronoun dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris. Anda bisa mengembangkan sejumlah contoh kalimat diatas sesuai dengan pemahaman Anda.
Anda pun dapat mempelajari selengkapnya mengenai dasar-dasar percakapan bahasa Inggris disini.
Enjoy and Good Luck!