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Di depan sebuah trem yang sedang berjalan di kota Graz, Austria. |
Nah, ini kosa kata yang sering digunakan di jalan raya dan ketika menggunakan moda transportasi umum. Pakai bahasa Inggris dulu, nanti saya terjemahkan ke bahasa Indonesia kalau sudah sempat ya. Selamat belajar. Kalau mau jalan-jalan ke beberapa negara Eropa atau ke Jerman sambil mengenal budaya dan tinggal di keluarga Jerman, silahkan hubungi saya di 081281150858 (bisa WA), email: fit_3a@yahoo.com. Atau menghubungi pak Yanuar Budiarso di no. 0812 8489 0000 atau 0815 8489 0000 (bisa WA).
Achtung! Warning!
die Endstation the end station (an easy one to remember)
die Richtung the direction
das Gleis the platform
die U bahn the underground
die S bahn the over ground
der Bus the bus
die Strassenbahn/Tram the tram
die Fahrkarte the ticket
die Tageskarte the day ticket
die Rolltreppen the escalator
der Aufzug the elevator
die Störung the fault (can also mean „the disturbance“ but in this case it means a fault, for example a fault with the train)
die Technischestörung the technical fault
die Verspätung the delay
die Umleitung the diversion (for example if a train breaks down you may be diverted onto a bus instead)
What you will often here when using public transport:
nächster Halt next stop
umsteigen Möglichkeit literally translated: transfer opportunity (for example „umsteigen Möglichkeit zur linie U3“ – „change here for the U3 line“
zurück bleiben bitte stay back please
bitte alle aussteigen please alight here
bitte steigen Sie rechts aus please leave on the right hand side
Fahrkarten bitte tickets please (ticket controls are done spontaneously and the controllers are dressed normally, so you don’t notice when they get on!)
Public transport in Germany is generally very cheap, and a typical day card in a city will mean you can get on anything (the bus, tram, s bahn or u bahn) all day long. In Munich a day ticket is valid until 6am the next day – which is always handy if you’re out late. You also don’t need to show your ticket every time you get into a bus, nor do you have to scan your ticket at a barrier.
Have you ever used public transport in Germany?