Posted: 03 Jan 2009 10:03 AM CST
Hallo! und “Gud’n Aaamd!”
Kennen Sie die Mainzelmännchen? Those of you who’ve watched the ZDF channel probably know who I’m talking about. Those of you who haven’t, well, let me introduce you to some cute little TV characters. There are six of them. The one in the picture heißt Det; Ist er nicht süß? I just love this little guy! Als Kind, out of all of them, liebte ich ihn am allerbesten.
Das Mainzelmännchen in dem bild on the right is my very own! Back when I lived in Deutschland, eine sehr nette Dame and a good friend of mine gave him to me. Bin ich froh das ich ihn behalten habe! Now I can share him with you.
Here is a little background information on how these cartoon characters came to be. The little goblins, Kobolde, were created for the ZDF channel in 1963, by Wolf Gerlach. He essentially created and designed them as a Werbe-Pausenfüller. Diese kleine Knaben were his claim to fame. Their little antics are fun and entertaining - a favorite with children, and some grown-ups!
Herr Gerlach retired before the Mainzelmännchen went through a major makeover. In 2003, they not only received a more modernized look, the new designers also switched from the drawing board to a computerized program. Although, there was some protest about the Mainzelmännchen’s new look, Mrs. Gerlach had this to say about them “Ich finde die jetzt sehr in Ordnung, meine waren schon sehr nostalgisch.”
This clip will introduce you to the little goblins in action. It will also show you die Mainzelmännchen before the makeover.
Viel Spaβ und bis bald,
Kennen Sie die Mainzelmännchen? Those of you who’ve watched the ZDF channel probably know who I’m talking about. Those of you who haven’t, well, let me introduce you to some cute little TV characters. There are six of them. The one in the picture heißt Det; Ist er nicht süß? I just love this little guy! Als Kind, out of all of them, liebte ich ihn am allerbesten.
Das Mainzelmännchen in dem bild on the right is my very own! Back when I lived in Deutschland, eine sehr nette Dame and a good friend of mine gave him to me. Bin ich froh das ich ihn behalten habe! Now I can share him with you.
Here is a little background information on how these cartoon characters came to be. The little goblins, Kobolde, were created for the ZDF channel in 1963, by Wolf Gerlach. He essentially created and designed them as a Werbe-Pausenfüller. Diese kleine Knaben were his claim to fame. Their little antics are fun and entertaining - a favorite with children, and some grown-ups!
Herr Gerlach retired before the Mainzelmännchen went through a major makeover. In 2003, they not only received a more modernized look, the new designers also switched from the drawing board to a computerized program. Although, there was some protest about the Mainzelmännchen’s new look, Mrs. Gerlach had this to say about them “Ich finde die jetzt sehr in Ordnung, meine waren schon sehr nostalgisch.”
This clip will introduce you to the little goblins in action. It will also show you die Mainzelmännchen before the makeover.
Viel Spaβ und bis bald,
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